Sunday, September 18, 2011

best pet insurance : you should buy pet insurance

best pet insurance : you should buy pet insurance

few years ago, pet insurance would have ranked right up there with life insurance coverage for children and fear of disease on my list of your policy is not required.

Now I'm not so sure.I still believe that most people are better off forgoing pet insurance and instead putting their money will be spent on premiums into a savings account. Cover pets can cost $ 2,000 to $ 6,000 over the life of the average pet, and chances are there will be some that you will have to shell out that much for treatment.

But if you are the type of person who would do anything to save your pet, including spend thousands of dollars in pet health care insurance may be a better choice than to be in debt.
New treatments and the mammoth. What's changed in recent years as the state of veterinary science as well as the economics of running a veterinary practice. Veterinarians today can offer treatments that were unheard of just a few years ago - and at prices that will make you howl consider

Preservation time for human beings from radiation therapy to kidney transplants, are now available for pets. That means that once a serious condition in this treatment, which costs from $ 1,000 to more than $ 5,000. Veterinarians have access to more sophisticated and costly diagnostic tools such as MRIs such films not only increases the cost of the exam. But often detect problems that can go unnoticed and untreated. These tools are expensive, and how that has helped the rate of inflation in health care in the medical room. From about $ 45400000000 Americans spend more time with their pets in 2009, $ 12,200,000,000 to 27% of the total cost - is expected to be devoted to animal care, according to the American Pet Products Association. To be increased by 10% from 2008.

 But pet owners with insurance are still a small minority. American Veterinary Medical Association estimates that in 2007, 72 million dogs and nearly 82 million cats kept as pets in the United States still has 850,000 insurance policy pet in with the National Commission on the issue. Veterinary Economics.
The insurer has teamed up with dogs, the American Club and the PETCO Animal Supplies to offer insurance and more than 1,600 companies - including Office Depot and Google - to protect the interests of employees as an option.

 waived deductibles and fees. The insurer's oldest pets, Veterinary Pet Insurance has seen revenues climb at an average rate of 26.8% since 1998, the company which has about 71% of the U.S. market, sales of pet insurance. The $ 149 million in 2007.

best pet insurance : you should buy pet insurance

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